Exploring Sound, Paging, and Intercom Systems

In today’s fast-paced business environments, effective communication is vital for productivity, efficiency, and overall success. Whether it’s conveying important announcements, coordinating tasks, or ensuring privacy, businesses require reliable communication systems tailored to their specific needs. This is where State Systems steps in, offering a comprehensive suite of paging, intercom, and sound masking services designed to streamline communication and enhance workplace environments.

Paging and Intercom Systems:
In environments where people need to be promptly reached with messages, State Systems’ paging and intercom systems provide efficient and effective communication with your employees and customers. Our solutions facilitate direct communication between different areas of a facility, enabling quick decision-making and swift responses.

We have designed, installed, and serviced these important systems for facilities of all sizes, and understand what it takes to ensure these critical  systems are operating as designed. We can also help ensure your staff is properly trained to maximize system operation.

Sound Masking Solutions:
Privacy is paramount in today’s open-plan workspaces, where distractions abound, and confidential conversations can easily be overheard. State Systems’ sound masking solutions offer a sophisticated way to address these challenges, creating comfortable and confidential environments where employees can focus and collaborate without interruptions.

By emitting a low-level, unobtrusive background sound, our sound masking systems subtly reduce the intelligibility of speech and other distracting noises, effectively enhancing privacy without sacrificing comfort. Whether it’s in open office areas, meeting rooms, or healthcare facilities, our sound masking solutions provide the perfect balance between privacy and productivity, allowing businesses to create environments conducive to concentration and creativity.


State Systems understands the importance of reliable communication solutions tailored to the unique needs of each organization. Whether it’s paging for urgent announcements, intercoms for direct communication, or sound masking for privacy and concentration, our comprehensive suite of services ensures that businesses can communicate with clarity, efficiency, and confidence.

Contact State Systems today to discover how our paging, intercom, and sound masking solutions can transform your workplace communication and take your business to new heights of productivity and success.

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“State Systems is one of the top names in this line of business. You are dealing with a reputable company that knows how to take care of its customers. I couldn’t do what I do without the support of the State Systems team. They have made my job that much easier.”

Gene Brinkley Facility Manager

“As director for a non-profit organization whose budget consists of federal grants, State Systems has been my personal choice to ensure my buses and buildings are safe for the children and staff we serve. I can depend on State Systems and will continue to recommend them not only professionally but personally as well.”

Phyllis Olley Center Director

“Thanks for the engaging fire extinguisher training. Everyone I’ve talked with enjoyed the training and learned a lot.”

Dustin Wallace ISO Representative & Environmental/Safety Supervisor

“State Systems has provided us with excellent, reliable service and detailed reports through inspections of our facility. We are very pleased and plan on utilizing the services provided by State Systems for many years to come.”

Glenda Temple Business Office Manager